Allium cepa L.
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:1,5 g
Ex Tax: 0.95€
Onion "Rossa di Firenze".
Mid-early variety: vegetation period 80 days. Leaves are crispy, dark green, the stem ends with a small oval, pink root vegetable.
Suitable for fresh consumption, especially tasty when fried. Resistant to low temperatures and drafts.
Seeds are sown in open ground in early spring to a depth of 1,2-2,5 cm. 1 gram = 250 seeds.
Best grown on cultivated sandy loam and light loamy soils. Planting density is 10 x 15 cm. Harvest in June-August.

* In terms of nutritional value, onions are in third place among vegetables, after beets and parsley root. It contains sugar, proteins, fats, organic acids, mineral salts - calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium. Onions are rich in vitamins C (80-100 g of raw onions fully satisfy the daily requirement for this vitamin), B1, B2, B6, E, PP. Onions owe their characteristic smell to the presence of essential oils containing sulfur. These oils contain phytoncides (volatile substances) with medicinal and antimicrobial effects. Onions are an excellent preventative against flu, runny nose, sore throat, and help with coughs. Onion syrup is successfully used for coughs: boil 100-120 g of chopped onions in 250 g of water for 5-10 minutes, strain. Add 10 teaspoons of sugar and simmer until syrup forms. Take 2-6 teaspoons per day. In case of flu, runny nose or for prevention in the midst of respiratory viral diseases, grate an onion on a fine grater and breathe in the onion pulp for a long time. You can also wrap freshly grated onion in pieces of gauze and put these tampons in your nostrils. During this period, you also need to eat more onions.
For headaches, massage your forehead with onion juice.
If your throat hurts, chew fresh onions. For colds, some also put finely chopped onions in socks and wear them at night.
Fresh onions heal wounds and minor burns. An excellent antiseptic plaster is the thin translucent skin between the layers of onions. It is applied directly to the affected area and covered with gauze on top. This method reduces the likelihood of scarring on the skin.
Onions are good for wiping the places of bee stings (after removing the sting), gadflies, mosquitoes.
Cut the onion into pieces, hang them around the lamp and the mosquitoes will fly away. To kill bacteria in the mouth, it is enough to chew onion for 3 minutes.
To relieve toothache, put a piece of onion on the aching tooth.
Fresh onions, stimulating the secretion of glands, improve digestion, increasing the secretion of gastric juice, stimulate appetite, cure stomach disorders, have a diuretic effect, and also have some calming effect on the nervous system.
If you take a teaspoon of onion juice mixed with milk or honey at night, your sleep will improve.
Onions strengthen the heart muscles and improve blood circulation in this organ, preventing coronary heart disease, and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. For high blood pressure, mix onion juice and honey in equal parts. Take two teaspoons once a day for about a week. Once improvement occurs, continue taking for a few more days.

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